

Secure investment

Whenever we invest, there’s a certain risk involved because we’re taking positions in uncertain future scenarios. One of the variables we consider when investing may change over time, which doesn’t happen with land. Let’s not forget that land maintains or increases its price, and the harvest can always change.

Rapid return on investment

A crop with low cost compared to other fruit trees, easy handling and adaptation, day by day is catapulting with a real development in terms of planting, the great plus point that enhances its image over the competition is its low initial investment capacity at the time of production.

In order to achieve economic progress in Spain and Portugal, it is necessary for agriculture to undergo profound transformations, including the new fruit-growing alternatives that are acquiring great relevance. Hazelnut cultivation is an alternative that offers broad export possibilities. Therefore, we consider its rapid capitalization as the primary advantage.

Consumption and production

Few producers

Worldwide hazelnut production occurs in various regions distinguished by latitude and altitude. Worldwide cultivation is concentrated in limited areas of Europe, Asia, and the United States.

Locating a crop in areas closest to its ideal habitat is always a factor of competitiveness by reducing production costs.

Among the factors, the most decisive for hazelnuts are climate and soil. In the first case, winter and summer temperatures are decisive, as well as the accumulation of cold and heat hours necessary to fulfill its annual cycle.

Understanding rainfall and its distribution over time is also essential and addresses irrigation needs. As for the soil, a neutral or slightly acid pH, fertile, well-drained soils with good organic matter content will be ideal to favor the development of its root system, which is superficial. In both Spain and Portugal, there are extensive geographical areas compatible with hazelnut cultivation.

Mechanical harvesting

Unlike other high density crops where harvesting is done with riding machines, in the case of hazelnut it is totally different as hazelnuts are harvested from the ground with the fruits that have fallen naturally.

It is fully mechanized, taking into account that the fruit should not remain long on the ground exposed to the agro-environmental conditions, so normally 2 or 3 passes are made with a sweeping machine that places the fruit in the center of the track, so that then a vacuum cleaner loads the remains of fruit and other vegetables in the container.

High and stable prices

Turkey is the largest producer, which shapes the evolution of the global hazelnut market. The price per kilogram has reached €13.81 and has remained around this price over time.

World demand and consumption

World hazelnut consumption follows a trend of significant increase, rising from 424,000 to 497,000 tons over the past 4 years. This increase has been particularly marked in China, which is progressively moving up the ranking of countries with the highest consumption, and in Russia, both of which are demographically very important countries with great growth potential. Hazelnuts and products made from them rank first in terms of value in Chinese imports.

In European countries, demand is greatly boosted by the value that consumers place on the welfare factors associated with their consumption and the sustainability factors linked to their production, but external factors also play an important role. In response to this situation, large commercial groups are promoting the establishment of new plantations for farmers.

Uses and advantages

Nutritional properties

The most common gastronomic use is in desserts and pastries, but let’s not forget the large number of salty recipes accompanied by this slightly bitter and dry taste of almonds, increasingly appreciated in vegetarian diets as a superfood.


  • Tonda Giffony
  • Tonda Romana
  • Barcelona


  • 4×2