Almond tree

Scientific name

The almond tree is scientifically known as Prunus dulcis.


The almond tree is native to Southwest Asia, but is cultivated in many regions of the world with Mediterranean and temperate climates, including countries such as Spain, Italy, California in the United States and Australia.


It belongs to the family Rosaceae.


The almond tree is a deciduous tree that can reach heights of 4 to 10 metres. Its leaves are lanceolate and serrated at the edges, bright green in colour. The flowers of the almond tree are white or pinkish in colour and appear in spring before the leaves appear. The fruits of the almond tree are the almonds, which are contained within a hard shell.


The almond tree is cultivated in many regions of the world, but is native to western and central Asia. It has adapted to Mediterranean and temperate climates and is grown in areas with mild winters and dry summers.


The main use of almond trees is the production of almonds, which are a widely consumed nut used in cooking throughout the world. Almonds can be eaten raw, roasted or used to make a variety of products, from almond oil to sweets and cakes. Almond oil is also used in the cosmetics and personal care industry. In addition, almond wood has historically been used to make handcrafted objects and furniture because of its beauty and durability.