Wild boar

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Scientific Name

The wild boar is scientifically known as Sus scrofa.


It belongs to the Suidae family, which includes other wild and domesticated pigs.


Wild boars are found in various parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. They have been introduced in many regions and have adapted to different types of habitats, from forests to open areas.


They are social animals and usually live in groups called “troops” or “herds”. They are known to be omnivores and have a reputation for being excellent foragers. Wild boars are generally nocturnal, although they can also be active during the day.

Eating Habits

Wild boars are omnivores and feed on a variety of foods, including plants, roots, fruits, insects and small mammals. Their diet may vary depending on the availability of food in their environment.


Wild boar reproduction usually occurs in spring and summer. The females, called “jabalinas”, give birth to litters of young, known as “jabatos”. A litter may consist of several boars. The young are cared for and protected by the mother until they are sufficiently independent.