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Bolschare Agriculture has appointed Pedro Foles as the company’s next Chief Executive Officer (CEO)for Portugal and Spain.

Pedro Foles is an experienced agronomist with 11 years experience in the Iberian Peninsula and the UK. For 7 years he worked as a farm manager for the British Royal Family, with a particular focus on permanent crops and livestock. Returning to Portugal, Pedro worked as Country Manager for Agromillora in Portugal, where he helped develop all the projects in which the company was involved, with a focus on almond and olive crops throughout the country. In 2022 he joined the Bolschare family as Chief Operating Officer. Since the beginning, he has been able to gain the trust of the entire team, which has followed his leadership, taking on a great challenge, helping the company to grow and giving his great capacity as a human being and manager. Throughout his career, Pedro has been a great defender of sustainability and new technologies, giving a boost to the company’s innovation and growth, this being the key to take Boslchare Agriculture’s strategy to the next level.

“I am proud to have led Bolschare Agriculture over these years and we are delighted to welcome Pedro Foles as our new CEO. Pedro’s vast experience and leadership skills are exactly the qualities we need to grow our business in a sustainable way over the years. I am confident that his passion for agriculture, technology and sustainability, together with his global experience, will help us to create new opportunities for growth and deliver exceptional value to our employees, customers and partners. We are excited to work with Pedro as we simultaneously transform our businesses and grow a better future for everyone”

– Ignacio Schmolling (President of Bolschare Group)

Bolschare Agriculture is the leading agricultural operator in the Iberian Peninsula, focusing on the sustainability of production models according to ESG metrics, offering the perfect combination of profitable agriculture with high technology and sustainability, caring for and improving the soil, the environment and the community around our farms.

At Bolschare, we understand that in order to create value on our farms, we need to create a better future for the whole ecosystem. We are very proud to have the opportunity to be part of the future of modern agriculture and to create the future. We come back to our roots as farmers every day and believe that there is no sustainable future without learning from the past every day.

“Being appointed CEO of Bolschare is a moment of great responsibility, motivation and confidence to continue to lead this great team through the growth of the company, as Ignacio Schmolling has done all these years since its foundation. At Bolschare, we have the feeling that we are working with our family, supporting and helping each other. It is in this spirit that we have come here and it is in this spirit that we will continue to grow together as a company and as a team for many years to come. Finally, I would like to thank the Schmolling family for their trust and support”

– Pedro Foles (CEO of Bolschare Agriculture)