Iberian newt

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Scientific Name

The Iberian newt is scientifically known as Lissotriton boscai.

Distribution and Habitat

It is found in the Iberian Peninsula, including Spain and Portugal. It inhabits a variety of aquatic habitats, such as ponds, pools, streams and rivers. They are especially common in mountainous areas.


Iberian newts are aquatic amphibians and spend much of their lives in water. They are known for their bright colouring and their ability to regenerate limbs if injured.

Feeding Habits

They are carnivorous and feed on aquatic invertebrates, such as insects and mosquito larvae.


Reproduction of Iberian newts involves laying eggs in bodies of water. Females lay their eggs in aquatic plants. After hatching, the aquatic larvae develop and undergo metamorphosis to become adult newts.

These amphibians are important in the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems they inhabit and play a crucial role in controlling insect populations.