Ground beetle

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Scientific Name

Ground beetles belong to several species and genera within the family Geotrupidae. Some common species include Geotrupes stercorarius and Trypocopris vernalis.



Distribution and Habitat

Ground beetles are found in many parts of the world, but their distribution varies according to species. They usually inhabit wooded areas, grasslands and pastures, where they find decaying organic matter, such as animal faeces, to feed and reproduce.


Ground beetles are known for their scavenging behaviour. They collect animal droppings, form balls of them and bury them in the ground to deposit their eggs and provide food for larvae. This behaviour benefits ecosystems by aiding in the decomposition of organic matter.

Eating Habits

Ground beetles feed on decaying organic matter, such as animal faeces and decaying leaves. These substances provide nutrients necessary for their development and reproduction.


Ground beetle reproduction involves burying balls of excrement containing eggs. Larvae hatch from the eggs and feed on the organic matter in the ball The larvae then develop into pupae and finally into adult beetles that emerge from the soil.