Algeria estimates to be one of the largest producers of olive oil

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The geographical location of Algeria gives it one of the most favorable climates for olive cultivation. This is stated by Samir Gani, president of the Organizing Committee of the National Competition for the best Algerian EVOO Apuleius and director of the international olive fair S.I.O. Med Mag Oliva Argelia, in the Juan Vilar bulletin.

The olive sector is an important link in the Algerian economy, heritage and culture, and is very present in the Algerian diet that saves the country from importing 120,000 tons of olive oil and 300,000 tons of table olives.

The economic crisis and the fall in oil prices have led the Algerian authorities to opt for a change in their policy and bet on olive growing capable of generating a surplus that will be destined for export, Gani explains to Vilar. Hence the appearance of new olive farms and new territories where olive cultivation did not exist before, such as in the Sahara and in the highlands that are arid and semi-arid zones.

This country has gone from 190,000 to 500,000 hectares of olive groves in less than 20 years, made up of some 160 native olive groves introduced from other Mediterranean countries, with more than 70 native varieties, of which 36 have already been approved.


The future of the olive sector in Algeria, Gani describes as very promising, since he highlights that they have a great margin of development that, from his point of view, will allow them to be among the three largest producers in the world.

Regarding the export, they expect an excess of production in the future. Promoting greater consumption at the local level is their priority, but it will not be enough. To this end, work is being done on optimizing performance, improving quality, creating consortiums; in addition to other actions, such as cleaning up the business environment in Algeria, which will open the door to investment and partnership with foreign operators in a spirit of mutual benefit, Gani points out.


The average consumption of olive oil in Algeria is 2.5 liters per inhabitant per year, with peaks in some regions, such as Kabylia, reaching 15 liters / person / year. Likewise, this average consumption is expected to increase in the coming years, since sales prices, which, according to the president of the Organizing Committee, Apuleio, are not affordable for the consumer, begin to fall and consumers are increasingly aware of the benefits of olive oil for your health.

He also adds that supply, which is beginning to exceed demand, is putting pressure on producers to reduce their profit margins.

It also highlights the country’s commitment to improving the quality of Argentine olive oil, through awareness campaigns by the specialized international organization, a national contest for the best EVOO, scientific conferences, training in tasting and sensory analysis, which has led to a gradual but radical change in trend, of consumers committed to the demand for quality, that is, for EVOO.
