New measures to contain and eradicate Xylella in Europe

The Official Journal of the European Union (DUE) has published the new Regulation on measures for the containment and eradication of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe, whose objective is to prevent its introduction and guarantee its containment. This new Regulation replaces the previous ones, which were based on the latest research by the European Food Safety […]

The world’s olive grove protects against CO2

The olive grove has been a well-kept forest for more than 2,000 years. It is a very important part of the solution to climate change and is a good barrier against desertification. This very special forest of olive trees is a CO2 trap because it takes the CO” from the atmosphere and fixes it in […]

Almond Market: Present and Future

MAKING YOUR LAND AND WATER PROFITABLE: BEYOND INTENSIVE CULTIVATION Almond plantations have had a strong increase in our country in the last 4 years. In fact, some players in this market consider that a “boom” has occurred and that, as has happened in other crops or even in other areas of the economy, it could […]

Algeria estimates to be one of the largest producers of olive oil

The geographical location of Algeria gives it one of the most favorable climates for olive cultivation. This is stated by Samir Gani, president of the Organizing Committee of the National Competition for the best Algerian EVOO Apuleius and director of the international olive fair S.I.O. Med Mag Oliva Argelia, in the Juan Vilar bulletin. The […]

Almond cultivation continues to grow in Extremadura

The area dedicated to almonds continues to grow in Extremadura, which is why the trend of recent years is maintained, thanks to its greater profitability compared to other crops. The president of COAG Extremadura, Juan Moreno, explained that the total area has grown by one percent this year, reaching 7,600 hectares. This circumstance means that […]

Decrease in exports to Russia of wine, pasta, olive oil, coffee and truffles

The export to Russia was drastically reduced after the signing by Russia of decree 778 on August 7, 2014 that stops the import of various food products from various food products from the EU, the United States, Canada, Norway and Australia. Due to the latest EU sanctions applied to Russia, Italy has a significant and […]